When Things Go Your Way
Hello everyone!
I am so sorry that I haven’t posted in quite sometime. The last post that I wrote was the most exciting post ever! …and then I left you hanging. I know one of the moms at my school was like “uhh… how am I supposed to know what’s going on with your life if you stop writing blogs!?” Which was about 10 weeks ago. But NOW, my energy is back, I’m caught back up, and I’m ready to write!
So, lets play a little catch up. Here’s how my pregnancy and life have been so far.
First Trimester- I know I’m going to be so annoying to most people, but pregnancy for me has been the most fun of my life. I haven’t been sick or had many symptoms at all. The only things that really marked my first trimester were extreme fatigue (like literally, I slept ALL OF THE TIME) and worry. I worried about a miscarriage, if I was doing things right, how the baby was.. everything. In those moments I was so thankful that everyone already knew, because having a strong support system really made all of the difference. I should also add prayer to that list. The first trimester had a lot of prayer. I don’t know how people without Christ make it through life, honestly. If I didn’t completely trust in His amazing plan, I think fear and worry would have overtaken my life.
Second Trimester- This trimester has had more symptoms, but again, nothing crazy. I started getting my energy back around 16 weeks, but then I felt really behind. From about 16 weeks until now (23 weeks) I have been playing catch up. Just now am I starting to feel back to my normal self- except a better version because I just started “nesting.” I have, in the past 2 days, cleaned and organized things that I didn’t even know existed in my house. Things that, normally, I wouldn’t care about. Now, however, they must be dealt with immediately, or I can’t focus. I’m also constantly hungry and thirsty- no surprise. Along with that, I seem to be gaining quite the belly… which I’m so happy about. I never thought I’d say that! I also have started feeling Simon (yes, we named him) kick way more frequently. Its rare for me to go an hour without feeling some sort of movement. That, I would say, has been the most amazing part so far. Its the absolute best thing I’ve ever felt.
That’s pretty much how everything has been going- without going into too much detail. One thing I have learned is that I’m a lot more like Job’s friends and less like Job. What I mean by that is that my relationship with God has been situational. After the miscarriage, I clung to Him like my life depended on it- which it does. I prayed constantly and frequently sought out comfort through His word. However, now that things are going well, I catch myself going way too long without even thinking to talk to Him. Its almost as if (not consciously) I think that I don’t need Him now that I have what I want.
I really got convicted of this right before we found out what we were having. I cried a lot, talked to Joel a lot, and began to pray for a thirst for God. Once we found out we were having a boy, things got real. It wasn’t an “it” anymore. I was having a son, (that’s still SO WEIRD to say) and I was going to be an actual mom of an actual tiny human. I know that sounds dumb, but it really didn’t sink in until then.
That’s what God used. I was going to be raising a little boy. My desire is to teach him to love God, His word, and others. God began to show me that I’m not going to be able to do that unless I do those things. Thankfully, the M.O.M.s group at our church just started reading a book called Missional Motherhood. Its a very in depth look at God’s purpose of motherhood. It has really inspired me to take a look at my own walk with Christ and how I can use my new role to grow closer with Him, all while sharing Him with Simon and others.
Anyways, that’s what’s been going on lately. I also have decided to start making personal videos. I’ve had a YouTube channel for a while, but haven’t really taken it too seriously. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about turning it into a VLOG channel. It will be just like my blogs here, but more consistent and, obviously, you’ll be able to see me. I wanted to document my pregnancy with Simon so I can look back on it and also for family that isn’t close by to stay involved. I’ll link the channel below.
I’d love for you to pray for us as we continue our journey! Below are some ways you can specifically be praying for us. I’d also love to pray for you too! You can email me at [email protected] or leave your requests in the comments 🙂
- Joel is currently working and going to school full time. He is also leading the youth group at church, building a crib, and trying to help in other areas at church. This causes him to be stretched pretty thin. I know he’d appreciate prayers to be able to accomplish everything to the best of his ability, but still be able to enjoy this season of life with me.
- Pray for me to continue to grow closer to God, not farther away, as things continue with our healthy baby boy 🙂
- I’m still trying to consider all options for labor and delivery. I think I want to try for a natural childbirth- keep your opinions- but I want to really try to listen for what God wants me to do. Also, not to be discouraged if things don’t go my way. He ultimately knows best.
- We have so much to do before Simon arrives, and sometimes that can be stressful. So pray that we can work together as a team. I know a lot of people have told me this time was the hardest on their marriage. Pray that we can enjoy our last few months as just the two of us, but prepare ourselves for being mom and dad… still so weird.
- My kiddos at school are really worried about me leaving, even though its just going to be 2 weeks. I want them to have peace about being with someone new for the end of their school year.
For those of you who want to watch, here is my YouTube channel. Forewarning- the other videos I’ve posted are pretty cheesy and dumb. But that’s ok 🙂
I’m glad that teacher at your school prodded you to Blog again because I don’t get to see you as much as I would like to but I pray for you EVERYDAY. I’m glad you are finally going to be a Mommy. Just remember “Bring up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” That has been true in your own life. I know sometimes we all stray a little from praying and staying in the Word as much as we should but we always come back one way or another. God has a way of getting our attention.
I love you very much!
Today we got to see Baby Simon and see & hear his little heart beat. I am so excited to meet him in person. I hope he is as precious as you are “Mommy”. I know he will be.