here’s a scary word..evangelism
Tonight’s tough questions was based on evangelism. After watching this video on a famous atheist’s view on evangelism, we had much to talk about. Why don’t we share the gospel more? Where could we, as Christians, gone so wrong that a man’s genuine kindness and concern could affect this atheist the most? How SHOULD we share the gospel? What if we CAN’T?
First off, I’ll share my thoughts and concerns. I responded the most to this video when he talked about Christian’s believing that unbelievers will go to hell. If we all honestly believe that, how can we sit back and let people go on with their lives in ignorance? How hateful can one person be to watch someone die and not do anything to stop it? That comment and thought really got to me. I do care, but as a human, I cannot stop every person on earth that is going to hell and change them. For one, I’m not superwoman. And for two, we can’t force someone to be saved. We can’t push them into heaven. Secondly, this made me feel very guilty. Just like other Christians and missionaries that say if you aren’t sharing the gospel, you are sinning. But it’s not that easy. I work in a school. I’m with kids all day. If I share my faith I get fired. Yes, God is more important to me than the school board…but what if that opportunity never arises.
THEN- we discuss Jesus’ life. He shared the Truth his whole life. Sometimes, he was very confrontational…like pointing out the woman at the well’s sins. How much in your face can you get? Other times it was simply out of love and answering their what’s the trick, Jesus? We talked it out in class and decided that it was always in the Father’s time. The Father presents the opportunity. I can’t force that to happen and I can’t run away from it. How I respond to that is up to me.
Here’s what I want. I want to hear your concerns and opinions. Questions too. BUT I don’t just want experienced Christian answers. I want REAL answers. If you’re reading this and you’re an atheist or agnostic or Muslim or anything, I’d like to know what you think. FINALLY, here’s a video on being an urban missionary. It’s a rap song, but don’t let that turn you off. It’s good stuff.
FYI- I did not include ALL that we discussed or ALL of my opinions..if something sounds off, just ask and I’ll try to clear it up. Also, I’m not a fan of proof reading so there are probably some mistakes 🙂