election excitement

I haven’t posted in a long time, but with all of the excitement of the presidential election, I thought it was as good a time as any to make a new post. Yesterday I voted. God has blessed me to be born in a country in which I have the PRIVILEDGE to have a say in who is my leader. So, I went out and voted. It was a new experience to cast a vote for president and I have to say, it was very exciting. Last night, I watched the coverage for as long as I could stay awake..which was until 9:30. I get up at 4 so do NOT judge 🙂

This morning, I woke up and saw “another 4 years” and my heart sunk. Instantly, and for the first time every, I was scared for what that meant for me. Maybe its just because I got to have a say for the first time so now I pay more attention and take it more seriously. But in that same moment that I was scared for my future and the future of my country, God spoke to me.

I immediately heard the song “No Matter What” by Kerrie Roberts. What an amazing God to comfort ME at 4am. All day, tmy God (the same God that comforted and led the Israelites when they escaped their Pharoah) gave me songs, verses, and thoughts to comfort me. Here’s what I have gotten today…and it is only 10AM!

-I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

– “No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand. ‘Till he returns, or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.” -In Christ Alone

– I also thought, even if every single person in America voted Romney and it was not in God’s will, he wouldn’t happen. Nothing can happen without passing through his hand.

-Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow Hebrews 13:8

-“Your Love Never Fails” by the Newsboys

I think instead of complaining, worrying, or having a negative attitude, God would have us respect and pray for our leaders and trust in Him always. Anyways, that’s my post for now 🙂

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