Dear American Airlines:

Please don’t serve cake for breakfast or gross rice for dinner.
Thanks 🙂

So, yesterday was my very first plane ride. My parents came to KSU to pick me up at about 10am. Packing was an experience in and of its own. Once I got to the airport, I was really glad my dad had come with me. I never knew how complicated finding the right booth could be. We took off at 3pm and landed in Miami, FL at about 4:30pm. After waiting for four hours, we boarded the plane for Salvador at 8:30. The plane rides were smooth, but were a little tighter and more crowded I expected. Once we got to Brazil, it was a whole new world. Our guide called it the world in a cocoanut shell. Right next to these beautiful buildings will be run down slums, and right next to them will be old historic buildings. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. Today, we mostly ate and went walking by the beach, but tomorrow will be more in depth, so I’ll post more tomorrow.

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