bible study? eh?

So, teens, I have a question for you guys. A few years back, the youthgroup had discipleship groups that would meet once a week. They would meet at eachothers houses, restaurants, or anywhere they could to have their own hangout/bible study. What I want to know is if…

what’s in a name?

Although I can still quote the whole intro to Romeo and Juliet [thanks to MrsMcCracken] this is NOT a post on how much I like Shakespeare. And yes, I actually do. Obviously I don’t have the most creative or interesting blog name. Kalah’s Blog, surprisingly enough, took me…

hey you teens!

THIS FRIDAY! (August 5th) Inflatables at my house. Why? Because they’re AWESOME! When? From 6p-9p. Good news, there will be hot dogs. Bring as many friends as you want. Email me for directions or call or text or smoke signal, just GET HERE! 🙂 We will jump with…

The Waiting Game

So, this month my sunday school class started a new series. Since we are all in the awkward stage of life, mostly college kids or young adults trying to figure out what comes next, we decided on a lifeway Threads series called “IN TRANSIT: What to Do With…

crafty kalah?

In light of my being a poor college student, more of a penny pincher lately than normal, I’ve been on the internet looking up a lot of things. I’ve gotten lots of cool inspirations of stuff I want to do by browsing through people’s blogs and using StumbleUpon….


Hello UR3092ers. 🙂 Contest recap. No facebook? You came to the right place. First of all, you need to subscribe to me and make sure you put your name in the subject line. Next, get as many of your friends to subscribe to my blog OR add the…