Author: kalah.newsome

Whats new?

June 30, 2012 By kalah.newsome

Long absence. One word to sum it up: CHILDREN! Finishing the semester for early childhood (2 more years to go..ish) and being director at […]


January 21, 2012 By kalah.newsome Sorry I’ve been gone. I’m back now šŸ™‚ Look! I brought you a youtube video.


September 26, 2011 By kalah.newsome

Yes, I did finish. No, I didn’t keep up with it like I had hoped, but this week has been a busy, hectic, crazy […]

Day One.

September 20, 2011 By kalah.newsome

Day 1 and not much to say. Iā€™ve been too busy today to even think about SPAM. The only time it was a challenge […]