I’m Kalah- a 30something year old mom of two feral kids. I’m married to my best friend in the entire world. I teach full time in an elementary school- which I love. When I’m not teaching or chasing kids, I’m either cooking, singing obnoxiously (although you’ll never hear it in public), or doing a craft of some sort. I love to be creative in whatever I’m doing- I always have to try to make things look pretty! I tend to go over the top with any idea I have- I’m the dreamer and Joel is the realist. And I’m usually running late, looking for my phone, or losing something important- no matter how type A my heart is, my ADD will not allow my brain to be on board.

Joel is my husband of eleven years; however, we’ve known each other our entire lives. We grew up in the same church and his dad taught my dad in church when my dad was in middle school. The kids and I pretty much think he’s a superhero- he can do anything! While Joel works in an office by day, he keeps the family going by night- he helps the kids with sports, builds anything and everything, does repairs, raises animals, hunts, and anything and everything else we need. Joel is everything I am not- a realist, a planner, cautious, calm, and level headed. When they say opposites attract, they were NOT lying! Joel keeps me grounded and loves me in a way that I don’t deserve.
Simon is a wild, crazy, and awesome six year old boy. He is so laid back and easy going, but he also loves to have fun and laugh. He’s an exact copy of Joel- extremely intelligent, careful and cautions, loves to be outside, and always looking to make others laugh. His favorite things are being with his family, animals, and learning survival skills.

If Simon is Joel’s copy, Esther is my twin. Loud, outgoing, and wild, this girl is here for a good time. Unlike her cautious and timid brother, Esther is fully oblivious to consequences. She lives her life FULL- full volume, full speed, and full of excitement. When she slows down, she enjoys anything a girly girl would love- nail polish, baby dolls, cooking, and makeup.